
How To Keep Bears Out Of Your Yard

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If you live, piece of work, or play in comport country, it'south important to go along yourself safe. Strongly scented items, such as food or garbage, should exist kept away from your camp, vehicle, and domicile. However, if y'all exercise meet a conduct, don't panic; keep yourself safe by vacating the expanse if yous see a bear. If a deport charges, use bear pepper spray to discourage it, whether it's a black bear or a grizzly bear.

  1. ane

    Hide your garbage with bear-proof trash cans. Bears are attracted to food smells, so they will desire to dig through your garbage. A acquit-proof trash can uses a locking lid to keep bears out of information technology. They're also sturdier than other trash cans.[1]

    • Another option is a locked shed to hold your garbage cans.
    • Take your garbage out as shut to pickup time as you can.
    • Double purse your garbage to incorporate smells. Wash your trash cans often to decrease lingering scents. You tin can as well pour ammonia on your garbage, which will subtract the likelihood a comport will go excavation through it.
    • Never mix bleach and ammonia, every bit information technology creates toxic fumes.
  2. 2

    Remove bird feeders from your chiliad during summertime months. Bears are omnivores, meaning they eat meat and plants. They have no problem going after the seeds yous get out out for your local bird population. When bears are out of hibernation in the summer, they're likely to visit your yard for a tasty snack.[two]

    • If you do accept bird feeders, hang them upward high. Aim for at least x feet (3.0 m)off the ground with no nearby copse. Also, make certain you lot clean up the seed nether the feeder regularly.
    • If you see a bear near your bird feeders, end putting out birdseed for at to the lowest degree a month.


  3. 3

    Go on fruit trees abroad from your home. Like birdseed, fruit tin attract bears to your home, particularly if you don't harvest it in a timely manner. If you want fruit trees, don't constitute them correct side by side to your habitation, but instead, set them back equally far as you tin. Put them at the dorsum end of your property or 1000.[3]

    • In addition, pick fruit every bit soon as it ripens or even when it'south slightly light-green. Sweep upwardly any fruit that falls to the ground and spoils.
  4. iv

    Avoid leaving pet food exterior, peculiarly at night. Bears are attracted to any food source, including nutrient for outdoor pets similar dogs and livestock. If y'all must leave nutrient outside to feed your animals, bring it in at night when bears are more than probable to roam and forage.[iv]

    • If you need to store food outside, apply airtight, odorless containers.
  5. v

    Keep compost heaps and woods piles at the dorsum terminate of your property. The food you place in a compost pile could attract a acquit to the area, particularly strongly scented fruits like melons or pineapple. Wood piles can concenter insects and minor animals, which the bears will as well eat.[5]

    • Avert putting strongly scented fruits in your compost expanse, as they will attract bears if you practice.
  6. 6

    Clean your barbecue later on each utilize. Burn off whatever remaining nutrient particles on the grill by letting the fire flame upwards. Scrape the grill downward with a grill castor while information technology'southward nonetheless warm. Once it's simply warm to the touch, scrub down the grill with a sturdy castor, dish soap, and warm water to remove any grease left behind. Focus on the grate and the area beneath the grate.[six]

    • The residue left backside can attract bears, particularly whatsoever meat drippings at the bottom. Keep your barbecue in a locked expanse if possible and so bears can't get to it.
  7. 7

    Avoid leaving food outside near your home. If you take a repast outside, bring all the food back inside at the finish of the night. Don't exit out scraps or leftovers for the birds to eat, as they can attract bears.

    • Clean up effectually the eating area by wiping downward your table and sweeping up any scraps left backside.
  8. 8

    Enclose beehives and craven pens with electric fencing. Chickens and honey are tasty snacks for bears, and so they will depict them to the area. Prepare the enclosures for these animals abroad from your home, protected by electric fencing.[7]

    • Yous can purchase electric fencing kits at dwelling comeback stores. To prepare an electrical fence, identify a post at each corner and one every 40 feet (12 k). Add insulators and string the wire along the posts. Connect the wire to the charger to run electricity through the wire.
  9. nine

    Add deterrents to your habitation and yard to keep bears out. Electric fencing and motion-activated lights can exist plenty to scare bears away from your yard. For your home, y'all may want to install bars or grates over the windows, every bit bears tin can smash through glass.[viii]

    • Motility-activated water spraying systems, fabricated for all kinds of animals, may also deter bears.
  10. x

    Shut off the areas below decks and porches in the wintertime. These areas are the perfect place for bears to hibernate out, and then block them off, particularly in winter. Buy wood panels large enough to cover these areas, and nail them in place. Also, cake off any crawlspaces below your habitation by nailing wood panels across them.[ix]

    • Similarly, bolt and reinforce doors on cabins and add together heavy shutters to the windows. Bears occasionally break into summer homes to den, specially when they are certain humans have vacated the area.[10]
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  1. 1

    Choose a army camp away from areas that are likely to attract bears. Bears are attracted to hiking trails and salmon streams. Yous'll besides find them well-nigh animal carcasses. Similarly, a back-country burn down pit may attract bears if previous campers left food. Avoid all of these areas when yous are setting up your campsite.[eleven]

    • Selection an open area to set up camp, where you can spot bears and they can see you.
  2. 2

    Set up upwardly your cooking area at to the lowest degree 100 yards (91 thou) from your tents. Separate your sleeping infinite and your cooking infinite with at least an American-sized football field. To measure it out, count 120 steps from your sleeping expanse. That volition keep the bears equally far away from your sleeping area as possible and then you stay safe.[12]

  3. three

    Cutting downwardly on food smells by eating canned or stale food. Food scents are one of the chief draws for bears. If you cook fresh food, yous're more than likely to draw a bear your style. Consume foods like beef jerky, dried fruit, canned soup, and canned craven to go along you lot going instead of cooking foods like hot dogs over an open fire.[13]

    • Even so, bears have a very acute sense of scent, so sticking to these types of foods will non be a deterrent by itself.
  4. iv

    Store food in bear-proof containers. Cull containers specifically made for camping ground with bears to store your food. These containers are sturdy plenty to proceed bears out, and you can discover them at camping and sporting good stores. They as well mask scents so you're less likely to concenter bears. Alternatively, use airtight containers to hide the scent of the nutrient.[xiv]

    • Do not shop food in your tent, as that may encourage a deport to come rummaging effectually while you're sleeping. Store nutrient in campers, trailers, or vehicles, which bears will have more trouble getting into.[fifteen]
    • If you're camping in the backwoods, lock whatever nutrient away in a deport-proof container and hang it 10 feet (3.0 m) from the ground. Swing it out at least 4 anxiety (i.2 thou) from other branches and the trunk.[sixteen]
    • Similarly, if you've cooked in your clothes, alter them before going to bed. Place your food-scented dress in a carry-proof container.
  5. 5

    Hide away fragrant items that may attract bears. Food is not the only matter that will concenter a bear. Almost any strong odor can entice a deport to come rummaging around, including perfumes and soaps. Place items similar lather, deodorant, insect repellent, and toothpastes in the aforementioned areas yous continue your food.[17]

    • Better yet, attempt to get out scented items at dwelling house, and pick unscented items when possible.
  6. half-dozen

    Clean upwards your cooking expanse subsequently you terminate eating. Don't leave food you're eating lying around, as that could attract local bears. Similarly, option upward any nutrient scraps that land around your campground, and put them in the trash.[18]

    • Wipe downwards whatsoever cooking surfaces with soapy, warm water, so rinse it off with make clean water.
  7. 7

    Take your nutrient trash abroad from your camp before bed. When camping in a campground with others, take your trash to the campground's principal trash before turning in for the night. That manner, a deport will exist less likely to visit your camp.[xix]

    • Strain the nutrient out of your dishwater before disposing of the water. Put the food bits in with your trash.
    • When camping in the backwoods or back country, hang your trash from a tree along with your nutrient. Hang it at least 10 feet (3.0 k) in the air, abroad from the trunk and other branches.
    • Never bury or burn food garbage, equally bears will find information technology.[20]
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  1. ane

    Purchase a bear bag to store your snacks. A conduct's sense of smell is extremely acute, and they are constantly foraging in the summer and fall months. A carry purse can help hibernate the odour of your food, keeping the bears at bay.

    • A bear purse is made of very strong polyethylene. Place your food in a split aluminum liner and and so in the bag, which the conduct can't rip into. Put the whole affair in a waterproof, airtight plastic bag to minimize scents.
  2. 2

    Talk, sing, and make dissonance when y'all are out on a hike. The most dangerous bear is one that doesn't realize you're coming. If you make noise to denote your presence, they're more probable to get out of the way and get out y'all alone.[21]

    • If y'all don't want to talk, carry a satellite radio and set it to a talk show.
  3. 3

    Hike with other people to deter bears. A bear is more than likely to approach an individual than a group. Groups tend to brand more noise than individuals, so the bear has a chance to silently sneak away before you encounter it.[22]

  4. 4

    Go back the other fashion if you see a conduct in the distance. When you encounter a bear, back abroad slowly, keeping an eye on the bear as you practice. Take another route, or but hike back the mode you came. If you leave it solitary, information technology volition probable leave you lot alone.[23]

    • However, information technology's never rubber to enter an area where you run across a bear. If you spot one, go out of that area.
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  1. ane

    Stand up your basis if a bear charges you. Bears run far faster than humans, and you're likely to encourage the deport to hunt you if you run. Instead, wave your arms and make a lot of noise. Often, the comport volition decide to turn away rather than assail.[24]

    • Yet, don't look the bear in the eye, equally it may see that as a threat.
    • Don't try to climb a tree. For it to work, the tree would have to be right next you, and you'd need to become at least thirty feet (9.1 m) upward the tree chop-chop to escape the bear. Black bears volition climb afterwards you. Grizzlies are less likely to climb later you, but they may endeavor it.[25]
  2. 2

    Employ bear spray if a behave charges at you lot. Bear spray is a blazon of pepper spray that sprays further than an average can. Typically, it can spray upwards to xxx feet (9.1 m). If a bear is coming at yous, spray a deject of pepper spray betwixt you and the deport.[26]

    • To use the spray, release the safety and press down on the nozzle. Spray when the bear is nigh xxx to lx feet (9.1 to 18.iii 1000) away. You can even spray it in the acquit'southward face if it gets close.
    • Spraying takes some practice, so try it with an inert can. Exercise in headwinds and crosswinds, too equally with the wind at your back.
    • Keep carry spray inside easy reach, such as in a holster. Y'all won't be able to become it out of your pack in time.
    • Don't spray information technology on yourself or your gear. As long as you don't spray information technology in your face, information technology's not unsafe. However, the olfactory property quickly fades, and for that reason, it'south not an effective deterrent.
  3. 3

    Play expressionless if a bear does attack you lot. In the unlikely issue a behave does attack, gyre yourself up in the fetal position and go limp. This position shields your organs, and a bear you surprised may surrender once it realizes you're not a threat.[27]

  4. iv

    Fight dorsum if the carry keeps attacking you. If playing dead hasn't given the bear incentive to leave after a few minutes, it'due south time to commencement fighting. Kick, throw rocks, use sticks, and attack with whatever you tin become your hands on. You may exist intimidating enough to scare the bear away.[28]

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  • Question

    Will a motion sensor low-cal repel bears?

    Community Answer

    Yes. Bears are highly sensitive to sudden lights and will probably be scared off.

  • Question

    My neighbor has chickens. A big black bear has torn the side off the coop. The chickens are at present inside the possessor'due south house still but the bear is looking in dwelling windows and is on the deck. What should we do?

    M Mourlam

    One thousand Mourlam

    Community Answer

    Contact your local wildlife officers. They may trap the carry and relocate it. Another option would be to get rid of the chickens.

  • Question

    Is it okay to defend myself from bear with a gun?

    Community Answer

    If your life is in danger, yes.

  • Question

    Will spreading fireplace ashes around my trash cans help to go along bears away?

    Community Answer

    I sincerely doubt it. Nosotros put all our fireplace ash and grill ash/gunk/grease in a pile outside our fence and it was clearly rooted through past bears so it had no outcome in repelling them.

  • Question

    Volition a coating of mint or whatsoever other herb keep bears away from a bird feeder pole?

    Community Answer

    No. Mint scents actually attract bears. In Yellowstone, you are required to go on your toothpaste in conduct proof containers.

  • Question

    Do black bears casualty on dogs and horses?

    Community Answer

    It is very unlikely that a bear will become anywhere near a horse. Small dogs you may accept to worry about just bigger dogs will likely frighten the carry away.

  • Question

    If it's a grizzly, should I fight information technology?


    Never fight a bear unless it is a life or death situation. Bears are much stronger than people, then if you try to fight ane, it will most likely win.

  • Question

    Do bears similar to eat humans?


    Some might, but humans are non particularly targeted. They may accuse if they feel threatened or if you take food that has attracted them.

  • Question

    Do moth balls keep away bears from a camper?

    Community Answer

    It doesn't normally piece of work in modest amounts, and I'one thousand pretty sure you lot don't want to behave around an actress backpack full of 100 mothballs to repel bears.

  • Question

    Will the bear try to eat me if I play dead?

    Community Answer

    Truthfully, information technology will depend upon the bear or grizzly. If he has eaten human flesh prior, then playing dead is non going to help. Bear spray is the meliorate solution.

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  • Don't utilize ammonia balloons to deter bears. Bears tin can be blinded by ammonia, so balloons filled with ammonia near their nutrient sources are extremely inhumane.

  • Do not mix ammonia and bleach. This will create toxic vapors. If cleaning bins or trash cans, use ane or the other, not both together.


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Article Summary X

To keep bears away while you're camping, attempt to consume canned or dried food since fresh food is more fragrant and likely to attract a hungry bear. You should also keep all of your food, as well as other fragrant items like deodorant and insect repellent, in a bear-proof or airtight container to mask the smell and keep bears out. Too, when you're finished cooking, immediately pick up food scraps and put them in the trash. Then, before you become to bed, move the trash abroad from your camp and hang it at least 10 anxiety in the air. To acquire how to keep bears away from your domicile or while you're hiking, go on reading!

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