
Will A Radio Keep Fisher Cats Out Of The Henhouse?

Some urban areas of Melbourne are dwelling house to upwards to 16 foxes per foursquare kilometre. This is a huge number when compared to most semi-barren grazing areas where numbers are generally less than two per km².

Although you may typically picture foxes in wooded areas, many live in urban settings where at that place are suitable hiding places and an abundance of food. Bushlands and parks provide platonic daytime hiding places simply these mammals will besides seek refuge under railway platforms, under houses, behind sheds or in quiet gardens.

Since these predators are prevalent in urban areas, information technology is crucial that yous accept a fox proof chicken coop.

Are foxes native to Australia?

The European Red Play tricks was deliberately introduced to Commonwealth of australia in 1855 for recreational hunting purposes. In the early 1870s this animal became established in the wild and now the fob is seen across most of Australia.

According to fox numbers take remained loftier in Australia for the following reasons:

  • Ruby-red foxes have few natural predators, with nigh bloodshed caused by humans, drought or diseases such as mange and distemper.
  • They are omnivores and opportunistic predators. This means they volition prey on a diverseness of species (birds, reptiles, small and medium mammals) and also swallow fruits, vegetables, eggs and insects when bachelor.
  • Foxes breed once a year with litters ranging from four – ten cubs. The mortality rate of immature foxes is low.

The clever, cunning and sly play a trick on

Foxes are often personified as being sneaky and in some ways this is true… They are quick hunters with the ability to climb high and fit into the smallest of spaces.

This short clip filmed by the Sunshine Coast Council shows how of import information technology is to play tricks proof your backyard craven coop. Information technology shows how a pull a fast one on can tear chicken wire using their teeth and quickly enter a small gap in the fence.

Prevention is key

It'due south much amend to prevent an attack from occurring rather than reacting subsequently an attack has happened. As the proverb goes – prevention is the best cure!

You'll relieve yourself:

  • Time – Spent rebuilding/trick-proofing existing coop.
  • Money – Spent on fixing or replacing components of the coop.
  • Heartache – The death of a pet is heartbreaking, specially for children.

In that location are several humane methods of deterring foxes abroad from your back garden and ultimately away from your chickens. These methods do not inflict pain or suffering on foxes unlike other pest control methods such as inhumane trapping, shooting and poisoning.

Habitat modification

Make your garden less attractive to urban foxes by removing areas for them to hide. You can do this by blocking spaces under your house or behind your shed.

You lot tin can also install plastic fence spikes to put them off climbing over your fence and into your garden. These are strips with plastic spikes that can exist secured all the manner along the superlative of your fence.

They help to deter unwanted intruders including other people, cats, possums and foxes. Made from hard plastic, they are uncomfortable to touch but don't crusade serious harm like metal barbed wire.

Foxes are scavengers and will see your rubbish bin as 'fast food'! Ensure that all rubbish is safely confined in a wheely bin and not on the flooring in plastic bags. Don't forget that leftover pet food will entice foxes equally well, so be certain to clean up any food scraps/basic at night.

Sensor lights

Foxes are primarily nocturnal animals therefore your chickens are most at risk during the nighttime. Unfortunately this is likewise the time that you are likely to be fast asleep and oblivious to intruders in your garden.

Sensor lights are often recommended as a deterrent for burglars but they besides work well to proceed foxes away. When a play a joke on triggers the movement sensor, the light will go off and startle them. The fact that they are exposed past such a bright light should prevent them from trying to proceeds access to the coop.


A dog is a great way to go on foxes abroad from your coop. Foxes are very territorial and the smell of a dog can keep them away. If, however, the pull a fast one on is very hungry they may still try to enter the garden.

If your dog sleeps exterior they'll probably hear a trick and sound an alarm bark, scaring the play tricks away. If you're pooch is indoors with y'all, curled upwards in bed, they are unlikely to hear a flim-flam's gentle footsteps and won't be of much employ!


At that place are various repellents you can try to make the surface area surrounding your chicken coop undesirable to foxes. This tin include chemical odour repellent, motion activated sprinklers and ultrasonic devices.


An adult flim-flam can pass through a 10cm bore hole and can easily scale a 6ft fence or wall. As demonstrated in the video above they tin likewise tear apart thin wire with their teeth. This means that you will have to reinforce your current chicken coop to ensure that it is predator proof.

The way that you lot get about this depends on the type of chicken coop that y'all own. Below are solutions for both mobile and stationary hen houses.

My Pet Warehouse Chicken Coop

Chicken tractor or mobile chicken coop

Chicken tractors, also referred to as mobile chicken coops, are designed to be moved around your garden. These are ideal for backyard chickens that are kept as pets or as a hobby since they are cost effective and easy to maintain.

The coop pictured higher up is suitable size for 2 or 3 hens. This is a good flock size to provide tasty eggs for a family! Although information technology comes with adequate security against foxes, we strongly recommend that you fox-proof this and similar coops.

Listed below are ways that you lot tin predator proof a mobile chicken coop:

Foreclose foxes from chewing through wire

Many chicken coops come with relatively sturdy wire mesh notwithstanding to ensure that foxes cannot break in; information technology'south wise to install something a bit tougher.

A sturdy steel mesh, like the ane pictured below, is suitable for predator proofing. It is as well thick for a flim-flam to seize with teeth and too small for him to squeeze through. You can find mesh similar this at your nearest home improvement store. But attach it to outside of the coop using metallic cable ties or industrial staples.

Use of mesh to Foxproof your Chicken Coop

Foreclose foxes from excavation under

Fifty-fifty if a fox cannot get through the wire, they may be able to access chickens past digging underneath. There are 2 ways of preventing this:

  1. Attach a permanent mesh bottom to the coop
  2. Putting mesh on the base of operations of the enclosure is an easy and effective fashion to stop foxes from burrowing underneath. This mesh can have slightly larger holes of effectually 15cm ten 15cm and then it gives your chickens a bit of space to attain the grass/dirt underneath. A fox may fit through this gap if the mesh was upright only due to the angle of the burrowing they will non exist able to enter when it is used on the base.

  3. Attach a mesh skirt to the bottom of the coop
  4. A skirt of strong wire mesh that goes effectually the craven coop (but not under information technology) tin can help to prevent foxes from burrowing because it prevents them from earthworks nearby. If you are going to install a mesh brim, you must recall that it will make it more difficult to move the coop around the garden.

  5. Leave the bottom open but move them to a secure location at night
  6. Some people may non similar the idea of putting mesh on the base of the coop because they want their chickens to be able to scratch freely in the clay. You may wish to merely use a mobile coop during the 24-hour interval when foxes are less probable to hunt. Then at dusk you can motion them into a completely secure coop with four secure walls and a base.

Prevent foxes from undoing locks

Foxes are clever and will hands knock open elementary twist catches and so information technology's of import to cheque that your coop has latching bolts on any openings.

If yous are particularly forgetful or have children that are helping to take care of the chickens, information technology's safer to install two locks on the chief doors. This way if i is left open or isn't secured properly, at that place is a fill-in.


If you lot are looking to house a larger number of hens or wish to take a walk-in coop then a stationary craven coop may arrange your needs improve. Since these homes are designed to be in one spot, fox-proofing is slightly different.

Use of mesh to Foxproof your Chicken Coop

The coop pictured above has been constructed especially for someone's property. It could house up to 20 hens and includes a predator proof chicken run. Listed beneath are several ways that you lot tin can predator proof a stationary chicken coop:

Prevent foxes from digging nether

The coop in the picture is beingness constructed with a solid base to both the hen house and the run. This can exist achieved by using the same material used in the construction of the coop or by pouring a solid physical base. A solid base stops foxes from burrowing under and a deep layer of litter will hateful the chooks won't even feel it.

Some people choose to exit the floor exposed since it gives their chickens a place to scratch around naturally in the clay. When leaving the ground in a craven run exposed you must still take measures to ensure foxes do non burrow nether. You tin practise this by burying an hole-and-corner bulwark all the style along the edges of the coop. This bulwark tin can exist made using metal sheeting or the same steel mesh that you've used on the windows and doors.

How to fox proof your chicken coop diagram

The diagram above demonstrates the ideal layout and measurements for a fox-proof fence as recommended by Wildlife Online.

Forbid foxes from chewing through wire

Equally mentioned before in the structure of your permanent chook house you must include strong steel mesh wire. Y'all may even want to include 2 layers of wire for extra security that includes both a big and small grid mesh.

Prevent foxes from squeezing through holes

Foxes can manoeuvre themselves through the smallest of spaces so y'all must ensure at that place aren't any gaps around doors, windows or ventilation holes.

Prevent foxes from undoing locks

You lot may have chosen to build your stationary chook firm to be large plenty to walk in. This may provide convenience to you when feeding or collecting eggs however it gives foxes some other way to get in.

Install a couple of locks on the door including i that younger children in the household cannot accomplish. Children are curious and the last thing you want is them to sneak a expect at their pets and accidentally go out the door open overnight.

Check your chook house every day

Spending a few minutes checking over the coop every twenty-four hours at dusk will save the heartache of losing a chook. This is something you tin can easily work into your routine when caring for chickens.

A few factors could ruin your fox-proofing efforts. These include:

  • Weather – rusting, current of air and cold weather can crusade steel mesh to movement out of place or wood to carve up/weaken.
  • Other pets – Inquisitive dogs or cats could knock or harm elements of the coop.
  • Carelessness - you or other family unit members may have left latches or locks undone.
  • Unsuccessful attacks – a predator may have attempted to admission the coop the previous night causing impairment.

It is very lamentable when backyard chickens are attacked by predators but y'all musn't forget that it isn't a personal attack. Foxes do non detest humans or chickens; they are only doing what they need to practise to survive.

Information technology is your responsibility to ensure that your chickens have a secure coop so that they are condom from fox attacks. Implementing the above methods of pull a fast one on-proofing your chicken coop is a elementary mode to ensure that your chickens live long and stress-free lives. Non to mention the less stressed your chickens are, the better their eggs will exist!


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