KANSAS City, Mo. --Yes, information technology'due south true. Wearing a hat on chilly days will help you stay warm.

Wouldn't it be nice if outdoor temperatures hovered year-round at 80.6 degrees?

"That's when the naked, resting human trunk is what nosotros call thermoneutral," said Dr. Rachel L. Hailey with HCA Midwest Health headquartered in Overland Park, Kansas. "In other words, the heat your body generates perfectly matches the heat lost to the air effectually it."

But we know that's not possible for many unless y'all alive shut to the equator.


The amount of heat you tin lose through your caput depends on several factors, Hailey said, like how thick your pilus is, what action you lot're doing in the common cold, or how windy it is.

Wearing a hat in wintertime is important

Parents need to know that kids lose proportionally more estrus through their heads than adults.

"Nosotros command our body temperature by balancing estrus production from jail cell role and heat loss to the environs," Hailey said.

And the body can lose heat in many ways.

If you come in direct contact with a cold object, you lot lose oestrus. If y'all come across common cold air, you lose rut through the cold air moving across your pare.

"There'due south even something called the 'chimney effect' when dense, cold air -- or the wind -- works its way into your pants and sleeves and pushes warm, calorie-free air out through other openings," Hailey said.

What types work best?

There are a variety of hats to cull from, simply make sure -- and this is important – it goes over your ears.

"If you hate hats, wear earmuffs," Hailey recommends. "Await for hats made of materials that wick away sweat to go on your head and ears warm, like merino wool, fleece and polyester."

Also, a proficient fleece lining for insulation doesn't hurt.

Y'all also want to make sure your hat has a snug fit that it's not too loose or besides tight.

Tin you lot become sick?

Doctors will tell you that information technology's an one-time wives' tale that you'll catch a cold or get sick if you don't clothing a hat.


"While it'southward a good idea to wear a hat to stay warm and aid preclude frostbite and frostnip to your ears in extreme cold, recollect that other parts of your body must also be covered to keep you from getting cold," Hailey said.

Your body estrus escapes through any office of your trunk that's exposed to the elements – not merely your head.

Don't leave home without …

Don't forget your mittens — which are preferred over gloves.

Hailey said a windproof jack is too helpful if it'southward windy. The blustery wind is the worst for robbing your body of its rut.

Button your collar -- or meliorate yet, wear a scarf.

Consider tucking your pants into your socks to prevent the chimney effect.

"Remember, respiratory viruses like influenza and cold tend to spread much faster during the wintertime, and a lot of that is not because of the temperature and how y'all apparel, but with people being indoors and in situations more than conducive to spreading illness," Hailey said.

Bottom line: it'southward a cracking thought to vesture a chapeau in the wintertime for many reasons; if you don't have one handy, a scarf wrapped effectually your head or even a headband that goes over your ears will work.

Simply brand certain whatever you lot put on your head will wick the sweat.